There's a way to get it to reload all the tabs that you previously had open.
Well, that's one way to deal with tab overload! 6: NO! I CLOSED MY BROWSER AND LOST ALL MY TABS 5: HELP! I CLOSED A TAB I NEEDED!Īccidentally closed a tab that you needed? You can resurrect it by hitting Ctrl-Shift-T on Windows or Command-Shift-T on Mac. I particularly like grabbing a bunch of tabs related to a single project and dragging them out into a new window. Why do this? Well, after having selected multiple tabs, you can do things like drag them out into a new window or right-click on them and close them or mute them if they are emitting an annoying noise. To do this, hold down CTRL in Windows or Command in Mac, and then click on the tabs you want to pick out of the vast ocean of tabs you have open.
Now we come to one of the coolest features, which is the ability to select multiple tabs in Google Chrome.